MultiTech designs, develops and manufactures data communications equipment for the industrial Internet of Things — connecting physical assets to business processes to deliver enhanced value. MultiTech’s commitment to quality and service excellence means your customers can count on MultiTech products and people to address their needs, while MultiTech’s history of innovation ensures your customers can stay ahead of the latest technology with a partner who will be there for the life of their solution.

Cellular Modems & Routers
MultiTech’s comprehensive portfolio of cellular modems and routers offer the quickest time to market because they’re virtually plug-and-play to get your IoT or M2M application communicating immediately. This portfolio of cellular connectivity products offers the industry’s most cost effective approach to remote device management and shared design approach across multiple cellular technologies including LTE Cat 4, Cat 1, Cat M1/NB-IoT and 3G. Fully certified, carrier approved and several chassis options are available to meet a variety of application needs.
FaxFinder is a leader in the fax industry. With thousands of servers in use, FaxFinder is one of the most trusted brands available today. Led by a team with decades of fax experience and expertise, FaxFinder is dedicated to providing best-in-class options that are designed to meet the ever-changing IT landscape. FaxFinder can be an on-premise fax server, partly cloudy (hybrid) fax server or fully-hosted in the cloud. FaxFinder solutions provide seamless integration with Microsoft applications and operating systems such as Windows Server 2016, Office 365, Windows Explorer and Office applications.